

Paper Information


Deng,ZQ Lehmann,KC Li,XR Feng,C Wang,GQ Zhang,Q Qi,XX Yu,L Zhang,XL Feng,WH Wu,W Gong,P Tao,Y. Posthuma,CC Snijder,EJ Gorbalenya,AE Chen,ZZ. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2014;42(5):3464-3477.


Luo,XJ Huang,L Han,L Luo,ZW Hu,F Tieu,R Gan,L.Systematic Prioritization and Integrative Analysis of Copy Number Variations in Schizophrenia Reveal Key Schizophrenia Susceptibility Genes.SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN. 2014;40(6):1285-1299.


Jiaoyu Deng,Lijun Bi,Lin Zhou,Shu-juan Guo,Joy Fleming,He-wei Jiang,Ying Zhou,Jia Gu, Qiu Zhong,Zong-xiu Wang,Zhonghui Liu, Rui-ping Deng,Jing Gao,Tao Chen,Wenjuan Li, Jing-fang Wang,Xude Wang,Haicheng Li, Feng Ge, Guofeng Zhu, Hai-nan Zhang,Jing Gu, Fan-lin Wu, Zhiping Zhang, Dianbing Wang,Haiying Hang,Yang Li, Li Cheng, Xiang He, Sheng-ce Tao, Xian-En Zhang. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Proteome Microarray for Global Studies of Protein Function and Immunogenicity. Cell Reports. 2014;9:23172329.


Li Y, Hu Y, Francis MS, Chen S. RcsB positively regulates the Yersinia Ysc-Yop type III secretion system by activating expression of the master transcriptional regulator LcrF. Environmental Microbiology. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920  Jul 8 2014.


Li,YL Li,LM Huang,L Francis,MS Hu,YB Chen,SY. Yersinia Ysc-Yop type III secretion feedback inhibition is relieved through YscV-dependent recognition and secretion of LcrQ. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY. 2014;91(3):494-507.


Han,N Adams,J Chen,P Guo,ZY Zhong,XF Fang,W Li,N Wen,L Tao,XY Yuan,ZM Rayner,S.Comparison of Genotypes I and III in Japanese Encephalitis Virus Reveals Distinct Differences in Their Genetic and Host Diversity.JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY.2014;88(19):11469-11479.


Huang,HC Wang,ML Deng,F Hou,DH Arif,BM Wang,HL Hu,ZH.The ha72 Core Gene of Baculovirus Is Essential for Budded Virus Production and Occlusion-Derived Virus Embedding, and Amino Acid K22 Plays an Important Role in Its Function. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY.2014;88(1):705-709.


Duan,YL Ye,HQ Zavala,AG Yang,CQ Miao,LF Fu,BS Seo,KS Davrinche,C Luo,MH Fortunato,EA. Maintenance of Large Numbers of Virus Genomes in Human Cytomegalovirus-Infected T98G Glioblastoma Cells. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2014;88(7):3861-3873.


Wang,ML Wang,J Yin,FF Tan,Y Deng,F Chen,XW Jehle,JA Vlak,JM Hu,ZH Wang,HL. Unraveling the Entry Mechanism of Baculoviruses and Its Evolutionary Implications. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2014;88(4):2301-2311.


Zou,J Xie,XP Lee,LT Chandrasekaran,R Reynaud,A Yap,L Wang,QY Dong,HP Kang,C Yuan,ZM Lescar,J Shi,PY. Dimerization of Flavivirus NS4B Protein. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2014;88(6):3379-3391.


Deng,CL Yeo,HM Ye,HQ Liu,SQ Shang,BD Gong,P Alonso,S Shi,PY Zhang,B. Inhibition of Enterovirus 71 by Adenosine Analog NITD008. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2014;88(20):11915-11923.


Jiang,H Wang,P Wang,QL Wang,BM Mu,JY Zhuang,XY Zhang,LF Yan,J Miller,D Zhang,HG. Quantitatively Controlling Expression of miR-17 similar to 92 Determines Colon Tumor Progression in a Mouse Tumor Model. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY. 2014;184(5):1355-1368.


Pei,RJ Qin,B Zhang,XY Zhu,WD Kemper,T Ma,ZY Trippler,M Schlaak,J Chen,XW Lu,MJ.Interferon-Induced Proteins with Tetratricopeptide Repeats 1 and 2 Are Cellular Factors That Limit Hepatitis B Virus Replication. JOURNAL OF INNATE IMMUNITY. 2014;6(2):182-191.


Yang,Y Li,DL Katirai,F Zhang,B Xu,Y Xiong,P Gong,FL Zheng,F. Basophil activation through ASGM1 stimulation triggers PAF release and anaphylaxis-like shock in mice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2014;44(8):2468-2477.


Zhao,F Wang,XD Erber,LN Luo,M Guo,AZ Yang,SS Gu,J Turman,BJ Gao,YR Li,DF Cui,ZQ Zhang,ZP Bi,LJ Baughn,AD Zhang,XE Deng,JY. Binding Pocket Alterations in Dihydrofolate Synthase Confer Resistance to para-Aminosalicylic Acid in Clinical Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 2014;58(3):1479-1487.


Ye,MP Zhang,JJ Fang,X Lawlis,GB Troxell,B Zhou,Y Gomelsky,M Lou,Y Yang,XF. DhhP, a Cyclic di-AMP Phosphodiesterase of Borrelia burgdorferi, Is Essential for Cell Growth and Virulence. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. 2014;82(5):1840-1849.


Zhu,LD Liu,J Liang,FJ Rayner,S Xiong,JH. Predicting Response to Preoperative Chemotherapy Agents by Identifying Drug Action on Modeled MicroRNA Regulation Networks. PLOS ONE. 2014; 9(5):e98140.


Zhu,Z Yin,FF Liu,XP Hou,DH Wang,J Zhang,L Arif,B Wang,HL Deng,F Hu,ZH. Genome Sequence and Analysis of Buzura suppressaria Nucleopolyhedrovirus: A Group II Alphabaculovirus. PLOS ONE. 2014;9(1):e86450.


Shen,ZZ Pan,X Miao,LF Ye,HQ Chavanas,S Davrinche,C McVoy,M Luo,MH. Comprehensive Analysis of Human Cytomegalovirus MicroRNA Expression during Lytic and Quiescent Infection. PLOS ONE. 2014;9(2):e88531.


Zhou,P Cowled,C Mansell,A Monaghan,P Green,D Wu,LJ Shi,ZL Wang,LF Baker,ML. IRF7 in the Australian Black Flying Fox, Pteropus alecto: Evidence for a Unique Expression Pattern and Functional Conservation. PLOS ONE.2014;9(8):e103875. 


Mu,JF vanLent,JWM Smagghe,G Wang,Y Chen,XW Vlak,JM vanOers,MM. Live imaging of baculovirus infection of midgut epithelium cells: a functional assay of per os infectivity factors. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY. 2014;95( ):2531-2539.


Hu,B Chmura,AA Li,JL Zhu,GJ Desmond,JS Zhang,YZ Zhang,W Epstein,JH Daszak,P Shi,ZL. Detection of diverse novel astroviruses from small mammals in China. JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY. 2014;95( ):2442-2449.(IF=3.529)


Yin F., Wang M., Tan Y., Deng F., Vlak JM, Hu Z., Wang H*.Identification and functional analysis of inter-subunit disulfide bonds of F protein of HearNPV.Journal of General Virology. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.068122-0. [Epub ahead of print], 2014.


Lu,P Zhang,Y Hu,YB Francis,MS Chen,SY. A cis-encoded sRNA controls the expression of fabH2 in Yersinia. FEBS LETTERS. 2014;588(10):1961-1966.


Yuan,LH Li,M Li,LM Monagin,C Chmura,AA Schneider,BS Epstein,JH Mei,XL Shi,ZL Daszak,P Chen,JP. Evidence for Retrovirus and Paramyxovirus Infection of Multiple Bat Species in China. VIRUSES-BASEL. 2014;6(5):2138-2154.


Campbell,CL Smith,DR Sanchez-Vargas,I Zhang,B Shi,PY Ebel,GD. A positively selected mutation in the WNV 2K peptide confers resistance to superinfection exclusion in vivo. VIROLOGY. 2014;464( ):228-232.


Ying,TL Gong,R Ju,TW Prabakaran,P Dimitrov,DS. Engineered Fc based antibody domains and fragments as novel scaffolds. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS. 2014;1844(11):1977-1982.


Mei,XF Xu,K Yang,LL Yuan,ZM Mahillon,J Hu,XM. The genetic diversity of cereulide biosynthesis gene cluster indicates a composite transposon Tnces in emetic Bacillus weihenstephanensis. BMC MICROBIOLOGY. 2014;14( ):149.


Deng,A Chen,C Ishizaka,Y Chen,XW Sun,BL Yang,RG. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr increases hepatitis C virus RNA replication in cell culture. VIRUS RESEARCH. 2014;184( ):93-102.


Zhou D, Wang Y, Tokunaga K, Huang F, Sun B, Yang R. HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr degrades the anti-HIV-1 agent APOBEC3G through a VprBP-mediated proteasomal pathway. Virus Research. 195 (2015) 25–34.


Song,M Tang,Q Rayner,S Tao,XY Li,H Guo,ZY Shen,XX Jiao,WT Fang,W Wang,J Liang,GD.Human rabies surveillance and control in China, 2005-2012. BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2014;14( ):212.


Yu,FL Zhang,GQ Zhong,XF Han,N Song,YF Zhao,L Cui,M Rayner,S Fu,ZF. Comparison of complete genome sequences of dog rabies viruses isolated from China and Mexico reveals key amino acid changes that may be associated with virus replication and virulence. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY. 2014;159(7):1593-1601.


Yang,CQ Miao,LF Pan,X Wu,CC Rayner,S Mocarski,ES Ye,HQ Luo,MH. Natural antisense transcripts of UL123 packaged in human cytomegalovirus virions. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY. 2014;159(1):147-151.


Pei,RJ Grund,S Verheyen,J Esser,S Chen,XW Lu,MJ. Spontaneous reactivation of hepatitis B virus replication in an HIV coinfected patient with isolated anti-Hepatitis B core antibodies. VIROLOGY JOURNAL. 2014;11( ):9.


Tao, X. Y., Z. Y. Guo, H. Li, W. T. Jiao, X. X. Shen, W. Y. Zhu, S. Rayner and Q. Tang. Rabies Cases in the West of China Have Two Distinct Origins. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. (2015);9(10).


Han, N., J. Adams, W. Fang, S. Q. Liu and S. Rayner. Investigation of the genotype III to genotype I shift in Japanese encephalitis virus and the impact on human cases. Virologica Sinica. (2015);30(4)


Zheng, P., Q. Xiong, Y. Wu, Y. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Fleming, D. Gao, L. J. Bi and F. Ge. Quantitative Proteomics Analysis Reveals Novel Insights into Mechanisms of Action of Long Noncoding RNA Hox Transcript Antisense Intergenic RNA (HOTAIR) in HeLa. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. (2015);14(6).


Xia, H., C. Hu, D. K. Zhang, S. Tang, Z. Zhang, Z. Kou, Z. J. Fan, D. Bente, C. Q. Zeng and T. X. Li. Metagenomic Profile of the Viral Communities in Rhipicephalus spp. Ticks from Yunnan, China. Plos One.(2015);10(3).


Li, Y. L., Y. B. Hu, M. S. Francis and S. Y. Chen. RcsB positively regulates the Yersinia Ysc-Yop type III secretion system by activating expression of the master transcriptional regulator LcrF. Environmental Microbiology. (2015);17(4).


Zhou, Y., T. Chen, L. Zhou, J. Fleming, J. Y. Deng, X. D. Wang, L. W. Wang, Y. Y. Wang, X. L. Zhang, W. J. Wei and L. J. Bi. Discovery and characterization of Ku acetylation in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Fems Microbiology Letters. (2015);362(6).


Ying, T. L., Y. P. Wang, Y. Feng, P. Prabakaran, R. Gong, L. L. Wang, K. Crowder and D. S. Dimitrov. Engineered antibody domains with significantly increased transcytosis and half-life in macaques mediated by FcRn. Mabs. (2015);7(5).


Liu, Y. L., S. K. Luo, S. Y. He, M. D. Zhang, P. Wang, C. Li, W. J. Huang, B. D. Hu, G. E. Griffin, R. J. Shattock and Q. X. Hu. Tetherin restricts HSV-2 release and is counteracted by multiple viral glycoproteins. Virology. (2015);475(96-109).


Li, C., X. M. Guan, T. Du, W. Jin, B. Wu, Y. L. Liu, P. Wang, B. D. Hu, G. E. Griffin, R. J. Shattock and Q. X. Hu. Inhibition of HIV-1 infection of primary CD4(+) T-cells by gene editing of CCR5 using adenovirus-delivered CRISPR/Cas9. Journal Of General Virology. (2015);96(2381-2393).


Yin F., Z. Wu, W. Fang, C. Wu, S. Rayner, M. Han, F. Deng, R. Du, J. Liu, M. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Ning, Z. Hu*. Resistant mutations and quasispecies complexity of hepatitis B virus during telbivudine treatment. Journal Of General Virology.2015. 96(11):3302-3312.


Liheng Yang, Zhenxing Gao, Lipeng Hu, Guiru Wu, Xiaowen Yang, Lihua Zhang, Ying Zhu, Boon-Seng Wong, Wei Xin, Man-Sun Sy, Chaoyang Li.GPI Anchor Modification Machinery Deficiency is Responsible for the Formation of Pro-PrP in BxPC-3 and Increases Cancer Cell Motility. Journal Of Biological Chemistry. DCE 18 2015 published online.


Fu, Y. R., X. J. Liu, X. J. Li, Z. Z. Shen, B. Yang, C. C. Wu, J. F. Li, L. F. Miao, H. Q. Ye, G. H. Qiao, S. Rayner, S. Chavanas, C. Davrinche, W. J. Britt, Q. Y. MicroRNA miR-21 Attenuates Human Cytomegalovirus Replication in Neural Cells by Targeting Cdc25a. Journal Of Virology. (2015);89(2).


Li, X. J., X. J. Liu, B. Yang, Y. R. Fu, F. Zhao, Z. Z. Shen, L. F. Miao, S. Rayner, S. Chavanas, H. Zhu, W. J. Britt, Q. Y. Tang, M. A. McVoy and M. H. Luo.Human Cytomegalovirus Infection Dysregulates the Localization and Stability of NICD1 and Jag1 in Neural Progenitor Cells.Journal Of Virology. (2015);89(13).


Zhao,F.,Shen, Z.Z., Liu, Z.Y., Zeng, W.B., Cheng, S., Ma, Y.P., Rayner, S., Yang, B., Qiao, G.H., Jiang, H.F., Gao, S., Zhu,H., Xu, F.Q., Ruan, Q., and Luo, M.H..Identification and BAC Construction of Han, the First Characterized HCMV Clinical Strain in China. Journal Of Medical Virology. 2015 Oct 1. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24396. [Epub ahead of print].


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Wang, Y., Y. Sun, A. D. Wu, S. Xu, R. G. Pan, C. Zeng, X. Jin, X. Y. Ge, Z. L. Shi, T. Ahola, Y. Chen and D. Y. Guo. Coronavirus nsp10/nsp16 Methyltransferase Can Be Targeted by nsp10-Derived Peptide In Vitro and In Vivo To Reduce Replication and Pathogenesis. Journal Of Virology. (2015);89(16).


Yang, Y., C. Liu, L. Y. Du, S. B. Jiang, Z. L. Shi, R. S. Baric and F. Li. Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. Journal Of Virology. (2015);89(17).


Jonna A. K. Mazet, Qin Wei,Guoping Zhao,Derek A. T. Cummings,James Stephen Desmond,Joshua RosenthalCharles H. King,Wuchun Cao,Aleksei A. Chmura,Emily A.Joint China-US Call for Employing a Transdisciplinary Approach to Emerging Infectious Diseases. EcoHealth. 2015 Dec;12(4):555-9.


Yang, H., S. B. Linden, J. Wang, J. P. Yu, D. C. Nelson and H. P. Wei. A chimeolysin with extended-spectrum streptococcal host range found by an induced lysis-based rapid screening method. Scientific Reports.


Zhang, E. J., A. Kosinska, M. J. Lu, H. M. Yan and M. Roggendorf. Current status of immunomodulatory therapy in chronic hepatitis B, fifty years after discovery of the virus: Search for the "magic bullet" to kill cccDNA. Antiviral Research.(2015);123(193-203).


Wu, W., K. K. Dietze, K. Gibbert, K. S. Lang, M. Trilling, H. M. Yan, J. Wu, D. L. Yang, M. J. Lu, M. Roggendorf, U. Dittmer and J. Liu. TLR ligand induced IL-6 counter-regulates the anti-viral CD8(+) T cell response during an acute retrovirus infection. Scientific Reports.


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Zhang, E. J., A. D. Kosinska, Z. Y. Ma, K. K. Dietze, Y. Xu, Z. J. Meng, X. Y. Zhang, J. Z. Wang, B. J. Wang, U. Dittmer, M. Roggendorf, D. L. Yang and M. J. Lu. Woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen-based DNA and protein vaccines induce qualitatively different immune responses that affect T cell recall responses and antiviral effects.Virology. (2015);475(56-65).


Pan, D. Z., Y. Lin, W. M. Wu, J. J. Song, E. J. Zhang, C. C. Wu, X. W. Chen, K. H. Hu, D. L. Yang, Y. Xu and M. J. Lu. Persistence of the Recombinant Genomes of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus in the Mouse Model.Plos One. (2015);10(5).


Zhou, D. W., Y. Z. Wang, K. Tokunaga, F. L. Huang, B. L. Sun and R. G. Yang.The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr induces the degradation of the anti-HIV-1 agent APOBEC3G through a VprBP-mediated proteasomal pathway. Virus Research. (2015);195(25-34).


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Xu, K., Z. M. Yuan, S. Rayner and X. M. Hu. Genome comparison provides molecular insights into the phylogeny of the reassigned new genus Lysinibacillus. Bmc Genomics.


Xie, X. P., J. Zou, C. Puttikhunt, Z. M. Yuan and P. Y. Shi. Two Distinct Sets of NS2A Molecules Are Responsible for Dengue Virus RNA Synthesis and Virion Assembly. Journal Of Virology. (2015);89(2).


Zou, J., L. T. Lee, Q. Y. Wang, X. P. Xie, S. Y. Lu, Y. H. Yau, Z. M. Yuan, S. G. Shochat, C. B. Kang, J. Lescar and P. Y. Shi. Mapping the Interactions between the NS4B and NS3 Proteins of Dengue Virus. Journal Of Virology. (2015);89(7).


Liu, S. Q., S. Rayner and B. Zhang. How Ebola has been evolving in West Africa.Trends In Microbiology. (2015);23(7).


Liu, S. Q., C. L. Deng, Z. M. Yuan, S. Rayner and B. Zhang. Identifying the pattern of molecular evolution for Zaire ebolavirus in the 2014 outbreak in West Africa. Infection Genetics And Evolution.(2015);32(51-59).


Goenaga, S., J. L. Kenney, N. K. Duggal, M. Delorey, G. D. Ebel, B. Zhang, S. C. Levis, D. A. Enria and A. C. Brault. Potential for Co-Infection of a Mosquito-Specific Flavivirus, Nhumirim Virus, to Block West Nile Virus Transmission in Mosquitoes. Viruses-Basel. (2015);7(11).


Zhang, X. L., D. F. Li, J. Fleming, L. W. Wang, Y. Zhou, D. C. Wang, X. E. Zhang and L. J. Bi. Core component EccB1 of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis type VII secretion system is a periplasmic ATPase. Faseb Journal. (2015);29(12).


Wang, D. B., B. Tian, Z. P. Zhang, X. Y. Wang, J. Fleming, L. J. Bi, R. F. Yang and X. E. Zhang. Detection of Bacillus anthracis spores by super-paramagnetic lateral-flow immunoassays based on "Road Closure". Biosensors & Bioelectronics.(2015);67(608-614).


Wang, Y. W., S. L. Yu, D. Huang, M. Cui, H. K. Hu, L. H. Zhang, W. H. Wang, N. Parameswaran, M. Jackson, B. Osborne, B. Bedogni, C. Y. Wi, M. S. Sy, W. Xin and L. Zhou. Cellular Prion Protein Mediates Pancreatic Cancer Cell Survival and Invasion through Association with and Enhanced Signaling of Notch1. American Journal Of Pathology   . (2016);186(11).(2945-2956)


Yin, R. F., X. X. Liu, P. Z. Zhang, Y. Y. Chen, G. Y. Xie, L. L. Ai, C. Xue, J. Qian, Y. H. Bi, J. J. Chen, Y. Z. Sun, T. Stoeger and Z. Ding. A Raf kinase inhibitor demonstrates antiviral activities both in vitro and in vivo against different genotypes of virulent Newcastle disease virus. Antiviral Research. (2016);133(140-144)


Zhang, P. Z., G. Y. Xie, X. X. Liu, L. L. Ai, Y. Y. Chen, X. Meng, Y. H. Bi, J. J. Chen, Y. Z. Sun, T. Stoeger, Z. Ding and R. F. Yin. High Genetic Diversity of Newcastle Disease Virus in Wild and Domestic Birds in Northeastern China from 2013 to 2015 Reveals Potential Epidemic Trends. Applied And Environmental Microbiology (2016);82(5). (530-1536)


Chen, S. Y., K. M. Thompson and M. S. Francis. Environmental Regulation of Yersinia Pathophysiology. Frontiers In Cellular And Infection. Microbiology (2016);6


Shen, S., M. L. Wang, X. Li, S. F. Li, M. M. van Oers, J. M. Vlak, I. Braakman, Z. H. Hu, F. Deng and H. L. Wang. Mutational and functional analysis of N-linked glycosylation of envelope fusion protein F of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus. Journal Of General Virology.(2016);97(988-999)


Zhao, F., Z. Z. Shen, Z. Y. Liu, W. B. Zeng, S. Cheng, Y. P. Ma, S. Rayner, B. Yang, G. H. Qiao, H. F. Jiang, S. Gao, H. Zhu, F. Q. Xu, Q. Ruan and M. H. Luo. Identification and BAC construction of Han, the first characterized HCMV clinical strain in China. Journal Of Medical Virology. (2016);88(5). (859-870)


Yang, X. L., B. Hu, B. Wang, M. N. Wang, Q. Zhang, W. Zhang, L. J. Wu, X. Y. Ge, Y. Z. Zhang, P. Daszak, L. F. Wang and Z. L. Sh. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Bat Coronavirus Closely Related to the Direct Progenitor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. Journal Of Virology. (2016);90(6). (3253-3256)


Hou, W. H., L. Torres, R. Cruz-Cosme, F. Arroyo, L. Irizarry, D. Luciano, A. Marquez, L. L. Rivera, A. L. Sala, M. H. Luo and Q. Y. Tang. Two Polypyrimidine Tracts in Intron 4 of the Major Immediate Early Gene Are Critical for Gene Expression Switching from IE1 to IE2 and for Replication of Human Cytomegalovirus  Journal Of Virology. (2016);90(16). (7339-7349)


Zeng, L. P., Y. T. Gao, X. Y. Ge, Q. Zhang, C. Peng, X. L. Yang, B. Tan, J. Chen, A. A. Chmura, P. Daszak and Z. L. Shi. Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like Coronavirus WIV1 Encodes an Extra Accessory Protein, ORFX, Involved in Modulation of the Host Immune Response. Journal Of Virology. (2016);90(14). (6573-6582)


Lu, P., Y. F. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. B. Hu, K. M. Thompson and S. Y. Chen. RpoS-dependent sRNA RgsA regulates Fis and AcpP in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Molecular Microbiology. (2016);102(2). (244-259)


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